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OC Meme - Green Book Characters



Tada! Finally you get see some Green Book Characters in action~ 
Not all memes are this long or involve this many characters. Once you get started it's really fun! 
My other completed Memes: Meet My OCs (memes)

Enter my OC Meme Raffle! All you have to do is complete a written meme like the linked journal above or an illustrated meme like this submission, let me know, and you're entered!
As it is you stand a GREAT chance to win as there are less than a handful of entries! C'mon, give it a go! Introduce me to your OCs~

Original/Blank Meme : Blank OC Meme by Creamy423 by Creamy423

Oh, tags, just for funsies, you don't HAVE to do it (and certainly aren't bound by the raffle timeline should you choose to) I just want to meet your characters

Short and sweet information on the Raffle --> Raffle May 2016 - ART and/or WRITING
Journal with details on the raffle --> RAFFLE - OC MEME - ART and/or WRITING

original art and characters © Kiri Ramdeo
All rights reserved
Image size
600x8011px 1.3 MB
© 2016 - 2024 AmaranthineRain
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Sleyf's avatar
Oh my, this must have taken forever! I'm going to have to be a party pooper on this one, I just don't think I have the energy to do a drawing meme at this time! You're the only person brave enough to have done one like this all on your own :clap:
Poor Najan, she got all the bad luck in this one
Swift, it's not nice to poke people's heads with your hoof, that has got to be my favourite answer